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Corporate Governance
Our management philosophy is to create new value with a sincere spirit and to be a visual communications group that provides "surprise and excitement" to people around the world. Recognizing that corporate governance is a key group management issue to achieve these goals, we are working to implement various measures to improve management transparency, achieve compliance, adhere to corporate ethics, and accelerate decision-making.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors makes management decisions and supervises the execution of business operations.
In accordance with our Board of Directors Regulations, the Board of Directors holds regular meetings once a month and extraordinary meetings as needed to decide on matters stipulated by laws and our Articles of Incorporation, as well as important management matters of the group.
Reason for Appointment of Outside Directors and Attendance to Board of Directors
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
Our company conducted an anonymous questionnaire-based survey of all directors regarding the operation, etc. of the Board of Directors and conducted analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors as a whole in June 2024, as follows.
1. Overview of questionnaire-based self-evaluation
Survey for | The Board of Directors held in the recent 12 months (June 2023 to May 2024) |
Evaluated by | All directors |
Surveyed in | June 2024 |
Items evaluated | Composition of the Board of Directors / Operational status and support system / Thorough deliberation of important issues / Performance of supervisory functions / Handling of issues |
2. Evaluation results regarding the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and future measures
The composition of the Board of Directors, the scope and volume of agenda items submitted, the assurance of opportunities for information acquisition by outside directors, and other matters were evaluated to be appropriate overall. The need was recognized for even deeper discussion concerning the sustainability required of listed companies, feedback on the opinions received from shareholders and investors, and management with awareness of the cost of capital and stock price. It was also recognized that amid ongoing changes in the environment in the imaging-related market in which the Group operates, topics indicating major directions for corporate strategy and deliberations on medium- and long-term issues and risks should be further deepened and implemented.
While the survey found that certain improvements had been made with respect to issues raised in the previous survey, we will continue to engage in activities to enhance and improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.
Risk Management
The group identifies and evaluates risks associated with the execution of the imaging business at each group company for each fiscal year, and prepares and updates a risk map.
The group works to control risks by setting the priority of control activities for identified risks each fiscal year and holding regular group-wide meetings.